Open in MATLAB Online I'm willing to preform an optimization process in order to fit the simulation result to test data and find some material properties. For example I have a function which performs simulation (in ABAQUS for my case) and gives out ...
I've posted below the code I used to make an event for previous work on the same problem where the cooling water turns on at 455K. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks. 테마복사 function main tspan = [0 10]; %just as an exampl...
It is documented at MATLAB does have "inline" functions as well, which are not recommended; they are an older technology that has a number of drawbacks compared to anonymous functions. 댓글을 달려면 로그...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: If the user enters an expression in the edit field, you can convert it into an anonymous function using a couple of functions. s ='x^2+y'; Make it so it can be called with a vector of values using thevectorizefunction. ...
constructs the 'fittype' object 'ffun' for the custom nonlinear model specified by the expression in the string 'expr'. By default, the independent variable is assumed to be 'x' and the dependent variable is assumed to be 'y'. All other variables are...
fmincon requires the use of anonymous funtions, therefore the variables that are used in nonlcon are not stored after runing the program. I would like to know if it is possible to save (get it as an output) one varible from the function nonlcon.0...
I tried to convert to array, cells, tables, etc. every Matlab function keeps giving me that error, and it's like I cannot work with vectorized structures. Can someone help? E. Simple answer: I do not assume that you know that term, which is exactly why I gave you a link to the ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: Hi @Daniel The majority of your code remains unchanged. I simply relocated your ODEs into a function named 'dYdt' and incorporated the interpolation code, similar to what you learned from the example involving time-depend...
Open in MATLAB Online I have a symbolic expression. I want to replace a sub-expression in this expression with another variable or expression. I am using SUBS but it does not make the substitution as expected. For example: symsa b C L t ...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: answersData.mat I think more can be done, but here a couple improvements that make the small test case faster. Hopefully it is an ever larger speed-up on your real problem. ThemeCopy load("answersData.mat") tic for ...