Similar to our bottle rocket above, make a rocket with alka seltzer tablets. Crush a soda can with this air pressure can experiment. Create a thrilling rocket launch with a soda bottle, water and air pressure. Watch what happens when you add mentos to soda. This has to be the best bakin...
Acceleration: Acceleration is the rate at which an object’s speed changes. As the marble rolls down the slope, it accelerates in a marble run due to gravity. The steeper the hill, the greater the acceleration. This means the marble will pick up speed faster on steeper inclines compared to...
2.Try aspirin and caffeine. The combination of aspirin and caffeine works better than either alone to relieve headaches and other hangover symptoms. You can simply take a couple of aspirin (or Alka-seltzer, if your stomach is upset) and have some coffee. Although the popular headache medication...
Take a dose of ibuprofen or Alka-Seltzer. Either of these anti-inflammatory meds may ease some of your symptoms so you can start moving around, eating, and re-hydrating. Just make sure to stick to the recommended dosage. What NOT to do when you’re hungover… Eat a huge, greasy breakf...
It's hard to make a bad cake. Sure, some may be blander than others, but if it's baked properly and has icing, chances are it's going to taste OK. However, slathering frosting over something doesn't necessarily make it appetizing, and why settle for pretty good when you can have ...
More experiments using alka seltzer Make afizzy lava lamp. These are great as they can be used over and over again. Afilm canister rocketis a brilliant science activity. They fly up with a lot of force, so remember to stand back!
“So often we focus on what we should be removing from our diet versus looking at what we can add to our day for better health,” she says. “The more color variety, the more variation in nutrition you will get.”Once her big intention is set, Bristow's all about breaking it down ...