When decidingwhere to sell contrabandandwhere to hide contraband,Starfielddoes not make things very clear. The player can acquire contraband in multiple ways, including looting and through story-related situations. Once in the player's possession, the question of what...
More than half the plastic now on Earth has been created since 2002, and plastic pollution is on pace to double by 2030. At its root, the global plastics crisis is a product of our addiction to fossil fuels. The private profit and public harm of the oil industry is well understood: O...
Thompson quote, “Too weird to live, too rare to die,” applies perfectly to Cynic’s technical death metal masterwork ‘Focus.’‘Focus’ was so before its time that a large majority of death metal fans simply weren’t ready for it, even booing Cynic offstage at live performances. It e...
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When Crue released "Home Sweet Home" in 1985, it really opened the door for a lot of other hard rock bands to release their own power ballads. While the majority of Motley Crue's songs were written primarily by Nikki Sixx, it was Lee who came up with the piano melody that can be he...