I put Toast configuration in MainActivity of the Xamarin Forms Android project and it gets applied to both Android and iOS apps (at least on dev devices; not yet released to App Stores).复制 public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity { protected...
Learn from the Hiking Guy on what to pack and how to make the best outdoor emergency survival kit on your next hike.
She described the mistake that developers make when they try to get into the active adult market. She also explained the difference of marketing for multi-family properties to 55+ customers. She believed that lifestyle is key to understanding the market....
Fairy gardens allow the space for magical creatures of all kinds to find their way into your home or garden. Best of all, there are as many ways to make a fairy garden as there are ways to enjoy these sweet, whimsical creations. They can be as small as a teacup or as large as a ...
Actually that doesn't make much sense. Deactivate means "I will never use this program again on this computer", so you can't deactivate unless PSE perceives you're not busy doing something. Obviously you won't deactivate while you're working. Launch the editor then immed...
I purchased Premiere Elements and Photoshop Elements to make timelapse videos. I see nothing in the pdf manuals about making a timelapse. Did I buy the wrong - 8857504
Azure Container Registry: an Azure Container Registry (ACR) to build, store, and manage container images and artifacts in a private registry for all container deployments. Azure Key Vault: an Azure Key Vault used to store secrets, certificates, and keys that can be mounted as files by pods ...
To deploy a container image from ACR to an app, or from another private registry to an app, use the following command: Azure CLI az spring app deploy\--resource-group<your-resource-group>\--name<your-app-name>\--container-image<your-container-image>\--service<your-service-name>...
This opens the image as a smart object. Always use a smart object when you can because it preserves the image and allows you to go back into Camera Raw by double clicking the thumbnail. Dodge and Burn in Photoshop At this point, I wan to make 2 Dodge and Burn passes. ...
In ACR, underneath the image, there is a hyperlink to workflow options and in that window you can check or un-check "resize to fit" and also you can check/uncheck "don't enlarge"I've also read that you can use the crop tool but I don't see how to do thatI'm using the ...