John Innes No. 3 and plant your jasmine at the same depth it was in its previous pot. Star jasmine needs a structure to climb up, so make sure you can train it up a wire frame or trellis fixed to a wall or fence next to the pot, or up an obelisk positioned in the pot itself....
Le Mans may be best known for its 24-hour car race but the French city offers more than high-speed thrills. Explore its old town then venture into the Loire Valley for canoe trips and chateaux stays.
Step-by-step instructions for how to use a wooden pallet to make a Strawberry Pallet Planter. Use this box-shaped DIY garden planter to grow a dozen or more strawberry plants at a time. Over the past year, I’ve come across scores of DIY pallet projects, some of them intriguing and ot...