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【题目】wiki How to do anything. C Article Edit Discuss So. You Want to Be a Writer?Four Parts: I Becoming insoire d I B Transforming inspiration into Words. B Nitty Gritty Bules of Thumb II Writing Help Community Q&What are some tips on becoming a writer?【小题1】Most writers re ...
A. watch B.draw them again. In fact one wikiHow article gets 14 C.hide D. abandon nine times per year. Even after readers shower(大量给14. A. covered B. damaged予) an article with praise, we find ways to make it C. changed D.lost15 better. We never stop.15. A. still B. ...
Wikihow|教你如何写作 这是wikihow中的一篇文章,How to write。 wikihow原文 本文给了初学者系统建议,我现在搬运过来给大家。(第一次尝试翻译文章,翻译的可能会有点差异) 一、开始写 1.大量阅读 阅读多样的作品,提升你的理解能力,并了解每个作者不同的“声音”。 阅读你想模仿的作者的书。比如想写科学小说,那...
Wikis facilitate collaborative learning. This is where the shared input of from the most informed to the least informed make a contributive effort to scripting the institutional knowledge base. In the context of your business or organisation, a wiki will act as an internal driver forcontinued pro...
Wikihow给大家安利了一下如何写reflection paper。Part 1 头脑风暴 1.明确主题 把自己的经验、阅读、课程总结成1-3个句子,需要注意的是这些句子要是描述性的并能直击要点。 2.记下脑海里清晰显现的那些素材 想想他们为啥在脑海里如此锋利,写下来你的理解~比如对课程或者阅读来讲,你可以记下一些特别的句子...
In fact one wikiHow article gets 14nine times per year. Even after readers shower(大量给予) an article with praise, we find ways to make it15 better. We never stop.So thousands of volunteers and over 100 qualified16 are continually working and reworking articles till they are the most ...
A CMS is designed to make website creation simple, even if you have no coding experience. It gives you an easy-to-use interface – similar to what you’d find on Facebook or Google Docs – where you can create and edit content just like writing a document. Once you’re ready, you ...
为了解决这个问题,我们需要重新找题、组题。今天,我们发现了一个新的方法,可以利用英文版WikiHow来组织7选5试题。💡 操作步骤如下: 1️⃣ 选择主题:根据当前所教的主题,搜索相关的文章。 2️⃣ 直接挖空:由于WikiHow上的文章类型与7选5相同,可以直接借用原文,并在合适的地方进行挖空。
关于英语写作的参考wikihow网页版,有app版,可以下载试一试。 还有一个工具是《英语写作活用字典》(图一),上写作课,中考的娃老老实实的用点考纲词汇和一些句型。 就拿一个笑,要用不同的词。 还有《牛津英语搭配词典》(图二)和《牛津短语动词词典》(图三)可以看看。