Want to learn about Jewish Divorce? Just as Judaism offers rituals to make marriage sacred…when divorce is necessary, Judaism also provides a sacred context. Interesting, right? While issues about ending a marriage can be messy and complex we have explained the one piece that can be rather…...
“For whenever Gentiles, who have no Torah, do naturally what the Torah requires, then these, even though they don’t have Torah, for themselves are Torah! For their lives show that the conduct the Torah dictates is written in their hearts.[b] Their consciences also bear witness to this,...
As parents we worry about our children's future and wonder how we can best prepare them for "real life." What will they really need to make it out there, to live fruitful, productive Jewish lives, to find and keep a job and build relationships? So much of our efforts go into choosing...
To see how, see this answer: http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/208510/lyx-commands-to-insert-wysiwyg-horizontal-line-for-keyboard-shortcut/208531#208531 (it is written in a general style so you can use it to make a shortcut for almost anything). I really like LyX, but if the onl...
“I’m hoping to be with my grandchildren. If not, I’ll go to our shul [synagogue], watch the joy on the faces of our neighbors’ children, and pack my pockets with candy for them. But it will take time for Simchat Torah to be what it was.” ...
This is a quick and funny little video to help you make your own. Browse Jewish Holidays Videos These resources have been made possible through the generous support of the Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah Subscribe to our e-Newsletter ...
are home to both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews. In order to make both groups feel at home, Yeshurun uses melodies from both traditions during a typical Shabbat service. When someone is called to recite a blessing over the Torah, the rabbi will use the melody that matches that person’s tradi...
What would be needed to make this act evil is, for example, the presence of an intention to kill the pedestrian for fun. However, there is no reason why Kantians couldn’t include a consideration of other relevant factors, such as the perpetrator’s general policies (or maxims), ...
今天课上教授说,UMich的上Halperin的sexuality课的孩子的家长们似乎都挺pissed off,控告说老纸教了那么多学费不是让你教我家孩子怎么变成gay的(Halperin在书中声称一个gay不是能天生轻易地融入gay culture的,他得从资深gay那儿学习,从而证明了他这本”怎样成为一个gay“的意义所在)。以下是评论原文。When I was ...
Still – pray for them (a stiff-necked people), even though these so-called comedians make us mad, sad and then some at times. Albert March 29, 2018 @ 2:28 am I sort of narrowed it down to just ‘doing good’. It’s a battle between good and evil. You fight evil with good....