Topographic profiles are cross-sectional viewsshowing elevation along a line. In other words, if you could slice the Earth along that line and view it from the side, that two-dimensional graph displaying height would be a topographic profile. Topographic profiles have different terms to describe t...
MAP CANVAS:When you start QGIS, the large window, front and center is the map canvas. The map canvas displays all of your map features. Scrolling the wheel on your mouse up and down will zoom in and out. Holding the wheel on your mouse down will pan left, right, up, and down. DAT...
Hydrology databases make it possible to map, track and observe water resources. Monitoring and modelling the data is essential in creating a sustainable system for managing the public water supply. Having to find and track down needed information manually is inefficient and unreliable, especially when...
Fig. 1. Distribution of the landslides in the study area where the DEM with a resolution of 30 m is used as the base map. 2.2. Landslide inventory The LSA by applying data-driven models is commonly based on an important assumption that future landslides will likely occur in areas with env...
To make sure these human activities are carried out in a sustainable way, a balance between economic and ecological interests must be maintained. An important parameter affecting the local ecosystem is the amount of fines in the water column and seabed, which are related. This requires knowledge ...
37.Water Flow on Mars– Hillshading the Mars Digital Elevation Model to augment legibility and understand where rivers may have flowed and oceans flourished. (Mars Water Flow) 38.Satellite Orbits– Gazing the sky for satellites and even programming satellites for image acquisition. (Satellite Map)...
The study was applied along the Lahn River in Hesse, Germany, where hydrologic, topographic, and pedological information was combined to delineate potential restoration areas. This approach is useful for areas with limited data availability, but does not take the historical aspect of the floodplains...
Ride-pooling is a dynamic process since it has to take spatial and temporal factors into account (Chen et al., 2017). Hence, the algorithm is essential to increase the pooled rides to make a DRT scheme financially viable. The algorithm and the surrounding software was developed by the Max...