All Sam wanted was to make a good impression on her fiancé Frank’s mother, the very proper Dr. Camilia Patterson. But when Nano Jo and the lively ladies of Shady Acres Retirement Village throw a surprise bridal shower for Sam at the Four Feathers Casino—watch out! Things spin out of ...
At this point, Abraham Lincoln is synonymous with the image of his stovepipe hat. The past president’s accomplishments can be overshadowed by his caricature depiction of a tall man with a chin beard and a top hat.Lincolnportrays the person behind the iconic image. Daniel Day-Lewis gives one...
Cards on the table: I can't imagine a hypersonic plane that could carry enough passengers to make a worthwhile business model; nor can I conceive of one that wouldn't scare the daylights out of its passengers every time they flew on it. Yet, somehow the idea of suborbital hops -- parti...
This cartoon has four panels. Each of the panels shows an Uncle Sam type figure – actually just a really muscular bald guy wearing a tight t-shirt and a tall stovepipe hat, decorated in an American flag motif. The t-shirt has an eagle design, similar to the eagle design on the offici...
you can do that. If you had previously purchased a Voyager package and you want to buy this month’s Caravan cosmetic, you would need to upgrade your pack to the Voyager+ Package, which would give you the current’s months cosmetics and unlock your ability to make individual caravan cosmeti...