However, you can switch around your words to make the direct or indirect objects the subject of the sentence, known as the passive voice. As explained in our guide to the passive voice, you can make a verb passive by adding a conjugated form of be in front of its past participle. ...
And also, not to trust your ears because we want to listen closely and to make sure that we're not missing out on anything, when we really listen to English.还有,一定要仔细倾听,确保我们没有漏掉任何信息。And the exercises that I'm going to share with you today are going to be around...
◆5-6-9:主动语态和被动语态(active and passive) 【1】→主动语态:subject(S)+verb(V)+object(O) 【2】→被动语态:不知或不想说动作主语,强调的侧重不同(passive sentences:don’t know or want to say who did something,giving a different emphasis); ◆5-6-10:动词补充(verb complementation) 【1...
To find a passive voice sentence, read through your draft and look for the form of “to be” (be, am, is, are, was, were, being, and been) combined with a past participle. For example, “was eaten,”“has been studied,” and “is being impacted” all indicate passive voice. Sear...
Let’s replace “the cat” with “him” in our original sentence and see what happens when we make it passive again: The dog chased him. (Active) He was chased by the dog. (Passive) We’ve followed the same steps again and moved “him” to the subject position. But did you notice...
The second sentence uses passive voice, which I generally discourage, but passive voice is better than writing out a humongous number and taking the risk that your readers’ brains will be numb by the time they get to the verb. Some style guides make an exception to allow you to use the...
Transition Sentence Examples: So what’s the solution? Fortunately, there’s a simple solution… The solution is simple… Here’s the big secret… The answer? The trick is to… Here’s how you solve this… Here’s how it works…
Does that make sense? Yes. It’s passive. Now let’s look at our active voice sentence to see the opposite. Someone kicked the ball. Once again, you could do a lot of work here. Who is the subject of the sentence? Someone. What is someone doing? Kicking the ball. Okay. It’s ...
There is a famous example to illustrate this concept. Why was the road crossed by the chicken? Clearly, the passive voice makes this sentence fussy, and the prepositional phrase by the chicken seems a bit silly. It would be better written in an active voice, with the chicken in the ...
In other words, blogging is the first step toward finally pursuing your dream job or favorite hobby, so you really can’t go wrong. While starting a blog might seem daunting, I’m going to walk you through every step to make it as smooth and successful as possible. The process is actua...