Way less toxic fans. Don't make them all hate Pokémon and try to start wars with the Pokémon fandom. Get rid of all the Rule 34 pictures and bad fanfictions. Get rid of the pointless crossover ships that pair up Digimon characters or monsters with thos
Roblox is a gaming platform that allows you to play games created by other users as well as create your own. You can also chat with other users and game developers as you play. The games cover all kinds of different genres, including role-playing, rhythm games, and shooters. As well as...
Wuthering Waves is a beautifully developed game that has received extensive testing from players all over the world. But it's not rare to encounter a couple of bugs along the way. If you've encountered a bug in WuWa, here's how to report it. Recommended Videos How to make a bug report...
It's always worth joining the game'sDiscordserver andTwitterpage. There, you can receive frequent updates about the game, immediate CRK code notices, and potentially make a few friends within the CRK community! If you want to have everything in one place, then bookma...
The metaverse game usually contains a large number of sub-games, and all these sub-games combined make the game itself. At the same time, the way blockchain game transactions bring profit to reality, such as playing to earn money and then withdrawing it in the real world, can be shown ...
Fortnite gains a new mode today called Patchwork Parkour, an obstacle course game with a rhythm twist. The idea of an obstacle course — or "obby" game — first started on games like Roblox and Spatial. Developers Harmonix and Look North World partnered up to bring this style of game to...
Second place went to the popular Roblox game, with more than 28 milliondaily active usersunder the age of 13. Throughout the period reported, cybercriminals attempted 1.6 million attacks, affecting more than 45,000 users. Among Us Although Among Us experienced a surge in popularity during the ...
The pause button is located in a bit of an awkward spot (top right corner) when you’re in the middle of a game, so be prepared to use both hands to make sure you don’t crash and burn when all you want to do is take a time out. ...
Fortnite gains a new mode today called Patchwork Parkour, an obstacle course game with a rhythm twist. The idea of an obstacle course — or "obby" game — first started on games like Roblox and Spatial. Developers Harmonix and Look North World partnered up to bring this style of game to...
Dance for UGC is a game that's all about rhythm, style, and fame. As someone who loves both music and fashion, this game is a perfect fit for me. The concept is simple yet engaging: keep dancing and become famous. It's like a virtual dance floor where I can show off my moves an...