If you wish tocreate a scored quizand assign points to your quiz takers, go for a scored quiz template. If you wish to conduct apersonality assessment, you can choose apersonality quiztemplate. If you’re looking to create a video quiz to conduct a remote interview, you can switch to th...
Nickname generator Hosting a live game in Classic mode, you have an option to assign a random friendly and funny 2-word nickname to players, for example, “kind tiger”. Instead of typing in a name to enter on their device, players will get up to three tries to spin for a nickname be...
Not really into learning body parts vocabulary by heart or by singing songs? No worries! There are other ways to learn about the human anatomy. Here are some tips to help you learn them faster: 1. Make it a game Playing games is a dynamic and fun way to learn new vocabulary and memor...
Third, online assessments offer an enhanced level of engagement and interactivity compared to traditional exams. They include multimedia elements, such as videos and interactive activities to make the experience more engaging. This creates a lively and dynamic evaluation environment for students. 4. Effi...
Not really into learning body parts vocabulary by heart or by singing songs? No worries! There are other ways to learn about the human anatomy. Here are some tips to help you learn them faster: 1. Make it a game Playing games is a dynamic and fun way to learn new vocabulary and memor...
Other similar options are out there, such asQuizletandKahoot!, but these are quiz-only systems that may be too limited for some teachers. Quizizz takes the best of those and adds in the gamification, meme editing, and music picks to make this a more immersive experience for students...
How Many More Do We Need? quiz for KG students. Find other quizzes for Mathematics and more on Quizizz for free!
Shy students don’t speak up in class for fear of judgement, ridicule, and appearing unintelligent. Their hesitancy may make it seem like they don’t understand what’s going on, but it’s possible they just need more time to process information and gather their thoughts. ...
How to Make Ice Cream Questions quiz for KG students. Find other quizzes for English and more on Quizizz for free!
Have students put their answers into Kahoot, Quizizz, or Google Forms to gather data over any misconceptions. Check Answers(5 minutes) Teacher Recommendation This idea comes from a teacher who shared her schedule below: Review homework Quick Check from the night before ...