adding a little more water as needed. When your puppy matures and learns to eat more successfully, you can gradually thicken the mush, but keeping it thin at first is wise. You can also add canned dog or puppy food at this point, but for the first meals,...
Tips and Tricks For How To Make Dogs Eat Slower If you’re wondering how to slow down dog eating habits, follow these tips and tricks to help solve the amount of food your dog eats in a shorter space of time. Hopefully, you’ll see a big change in the way they eat! Slow Feeder B...
She may take the puppy in her mouth, and return it to the whelping box. She will not like having strangers or other dogs entering her whelping room, so to keep her calm, and prevent fights, keep her and her puppies to themselves for the first 4 weeks. Do You Need to Tie Off th...
In dogs with black nails,the quick is not as obvious, so you’ll want to go slower. Trim a little at a time and look for a black dot in the center of the nail, Sexton advises. Once the dot appears, you’ll know you’ve reached the quick and should stop cutting. 6. Start Small...
I planned to build Charlie a new DIY dog feeder with feet that wouldn’t get pushed or tipped over so easily. I’ve heard that raised dog bowl holders can help dogs eat slower andaid in digestionas well. The no-slip dog feeder I envisioned would be a win-win on all accounts. ...
Sometimes, people allow their puppy to run free when outside, and sometimes people put their puppy outside and come straight back in themselves leaving their puppy outside alone making their puppy pine to come back in with their family. Both these things can make a puppy forget what they’...
They often use an attractant to make sure your dog knows that this is the place, and then they absorb pee and neutralize odors so you can clean up with as little fuss as possible. But how exactly do you train your puppy to pee on a pee pad? Read on to find out. We’ll also sha...
Growing dogs need plenty of food and your veterinarian may tell you to feed a new puppy a few times a day. However, what about when your dog gets older? You might wonder, "how often should I feed my dog," or "how much should my dog eat?" ...
The best way to predict puppy size is by the parents of the dog. Larger-size dogs may not fit in your small home the best, while the large-size dogs tend to eat more, and so on. Before you get a dog, make sure that you know how big it will get. This way you will be better...
Choosingthe best puppy foodfor your dog is equally one of the best decisions you can make for it. Puppies need to eat a balanced diet regularly. The goal is to meet their nutrient requirement, not overfeeding them. For larger breeds, the growth rate is slower when compared to smaller-size...