off the canvas area can significantly decrease the size of a PSD file and save space. However, you can still make changes to all the layers afterward. Simply use the Rectangular Marquee Tool to select the canvas, click the layers you have in the Layers panel, then navigate to Image > ...
If you're interested in Photoshop 3D text effects, in this tutorial I'll show you how to make a beautiful 3D text in Photoshop in just a few steps.
In the above example we have used Inner Shadow to add an inner shadow to the ellipse and then a Stroke effect using size 30 and gradientFill Type. This will make a nice border effect to the circle. We have applied this to one of the ellipse shapes only but you can play to use in b...
Basically you can create a dynamic link between photoshop and indesign. Place your layered photoshop document on the indesign document, and if you want to make changes to the placed PSD file, you can alt (or option) > double clic...
I now how a psdt file works I only wont the PSDT visible in the bridge and in my files. Not in the the way of PSDT but as an image and the PSDT still stands. I see all my psd files with a image , i had to use a dll for to make the change . I hope you understand ...
In this Photoshop tutorial, I'll show you how to create an action for engraving in Photoshop. You can browse the incredible selection of Engraving Photoshop Actions from Envato Elements to apply this effect to your photos in seconds.Watch How to Make a Photoshop Engraving EffectTurn...
Learn how to make a photo look old and worn in Photoshop. We will create a realistic vintage photo effect using grunge textures and gradient maps for color toning. If you are looking for fast results you can try the vintage Photoshop action. Create an ol
Once you decide on your logo, but before you import it into Photoshop,you will need to start recording a new action. This will make it easier for you toadd your logo to other imageswith just a couple of clicks! 1.Go to the “Actions” panel. If you don’t see it, click on “Wi...
A double exposure effect can be tricky to get your head around. Trial and error will be a part of this process, but to help, I will guide you through an easy step-by-step.
• What Is a PSD File Size Limit? The dimension of an image in this file should not exceed 30,000 pixels and the overall size of 2GB. • Can I Make a PSD File Larger Than 2GB? When your image exceeds such numbers, you will need a similar format, PSB. The pixel count can reac...