the problem is that targetPrefab is null and the instance of the prefab generate by the code in the Hierarchy is called xxxxx(Clone), which is different with the one when i drag a prefab into Hierarchy, and the latter one can using the method above to modify the prefab. so anyone can ...
usingSystem.Collections;usingUnityEngine;[RequireComponent(typeof(AudioSource))]publicclassSC_Weapon:MonoBehaviour{publicboolsingleFire=false;publicfloatfireRate=0.1f;publicGameObjectbulletPrefab;publicTransformfirePoint;publicintbulletsPerMagazine=30;publicfloattimeToReload=1.5f;publicfloatweaponDamage=15;//How ...
Is there a way to add prefabs to the scene while keeping their connection to the original prefab during play mode? Is there a different (maybe even better) way to reset the prefab instances to their original state? unity-game-engine prefab Share Improve this question Follow asked...
把hierachy 中的 Obstacle 拖到 Assets 面板中,这个对象就变成一个 prefab,这个预制件可以在游戏中重复使用,拖放多个 prefab 到 Scene 中,修改 prefab 会使所有 prefab 都发生改变,也可以单独修改某个 Obstacle,修改某个对象后点击 inspector 中的 apply 会使当前修改应用到所有 prefab 对象。 通常我们会让 obstacle...
Unity Azure Spatial Anchors 可讓您在不同裝置之間共用世界錨點。 它支持數個不同的開發環境。 在本文中,我們將探討如何使用 Unity 中的 Azure Spatial Anchors SDK 來: 正確設定和管理 Azure Spatial Anchors 會話。 在本機錨點上建立和設定屬性。 將它們上傳至雲端。 找出並刪除雲端空間錨點。 必要條件 若要...
Set Box colliderIs Triggerto true in the Pickup prefab and this gives you OnTrigger function Unity caches all the static colliders – everytime we move, rotate or scale the static colliders, the Unity will recalculate the cache – takes resources! We can move, rotate or scale dynamic colli...
Well, that's what I'm trying to write about today, how to make a simple mini map similar to that, instead of using the top down camera method. This comes in handy when you're trying to create a mini map to locate the player and the enemies (AIs) current position... Like Hitman,...
Azure Spatial Anchors 可讓您在不同裝置之間共用世界錨點。 它支持數個不同的開發環境。 在本文中,我們將探討如何使用 Unity 中的 Azure Spatial Anchors SDK 來: 正確設定和管理 Azure Spatial Anchors 會話。 在本機錨點上建立和設定屬性。 將它們上傳至雲端。
I made a prefab and drag drop it to the Tile Prefab slot as shown in the picture In my code using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class GameGrid :MonoBehaviour { private int width; private int height; private int[,] gridArray; private float...
The Essential Unity Classes To Know There are several components that make up the Unity game engine, all of which can become important depending on the project being made in it... 21 June 202323 min read Featured Lance TalbertinFeatured Unity...