You can train for powerlifting using nothing but the equipment outlined in the section above. However, there are a few additional tools that you can add to your home gym set-up to make your workouts more varied and, potentially, more effective and enjoyable. These items include: Adjustable Du...
But don’t try to make your shoulder-blades touch. Shoulders Left: shoulders above bar puts your hips too low. Right: setup with your shoulder-blades over the bar. Your shoulders must be in front of the bar when you setup for Deadlifts. This puts your shoulder-blades above the bar and...
My old powerlifting coach put it the best when one day I asked him, hey, I'm feeling really tired today. I don't think I'll be able to train very well. How do you stop feeling tired? And he replied back, just train tired. What a man. And the ridiculously powerful part of this...
t make you wonder mid-set if the bar will break in two while you Squat. You have better form because the bar doesn’t move around. You have more confidence because you feel safe about your equipment. Squats are intimidating. You don’t want to make it worse by using cheap equipment ...
powerlifters to replace their hips with artificial onesbecause the two main lifts (low bar squats and deadlifts) are hip focused movements. Obviously, this is not going to happen to a healthy beginner doing Starting Strength, but it shows how incredibly hip dominant the sport of powerlifting ...
To make sure they're getting enough, maybe people want to know how to eat 100 grams of protein a day. But what does that really look like? Keep reading to learn how four super-fit folks pack 90, 100, 120 or moregrams of proteininto their daily diets. Plus, learn how to calculate ...
The power clean has a lot going on. Mastering each aspect of the technique will make all the difference when it comes time to load up your barbell. These are some of the most common errors people commit when trying to do cleans; steer clear of them. ...
but that many trainers aren’t. If any of these things are important to you, make sure to ask the trainer about them before you decide to give them your business. You may find you need to put forth some effort to find a trainer who is actually good in these areas—or find another ...
I wouldn't go so far as to say that the bench press is a full-body exercise (as I might say for the squat and deadlift), but it certainly brings in more muscles than just the chest, shoulders, and triceps. Aside from the legs pressing off the floor in a powerlifting-style bench pr...
everyone, but certain athletes approach the movement differently. If you’re a bodybuilder or just hitting the gym to get in better shape, the steps below should serve you nicely. But if you’re an aspiring strength athlete, you may want to refer to a morepowerlifting-specific bench press ...