A comprehensive guide for creating beats, chords, and a hyper-produced sound to make K-Pop songs that slap
欢迎收听电子音频内容《2020.3.17How to make a pop up card》,你可以在线听书也可以下载喜马拉雅APP播放,想收听更多更优质的有声读物小说故事音乐作品,就来喜马拉雅!
HowToMixAPopSongFromScratch historyofmistakes.Fearofmakingmistakesimpedeslearning,andyouhavetoaccept thefactthatyouwillmakemany,manymistakesonthewaytobeingagoodSound Engineer-andhopefullylearnagreatdealintheprocess.IdbeveryconcernedifIwas askedtoworkwithanengineerwhoclaimedtheydnevermadeamistake-everyone does! Mo...
Nowadays, to make pop music hit hard, it's all about the beat and bass. Modern pop is heavily influenced by electronic dance music (EDM), so listeners expect solid beats and hypnotic bass grooves. You might hear traditional drummers and electric bass players, but electronic drum machines and...
A detailed guide to creating emotional pop ballads that get your fans hooked, complete with steps for intros, bass lines, mixing, and vocals
How to make a song in a few minutes? Below shows the step-by-step instructions on how to make a simple melody arrangement: Record.Choose the tempo, turn the metronome on and hum your melody into the microphone. Composer captures the audio and records it into the digital file:melody.wav ...
If you make a triad shape on top of the first C, then scooch the same shape up through all the notes of the scale, you’ll end up with these chords:These are the diatonic chords of C Major. And we can assign each chord a number. This is the Nashville Number System. ...
When you finally sit down to make a song, there’s no guarantee that you’ll be inspired to write. But the good news is, you’ll always have a bank of ideas to flip through. And while they may not all be song-worthy, there’s bound to be a gem in there somewhere....
Tap "Use Sound As" on the pop-up screen if you want to assign the ring tone right away. You can choose to make it your standard call ring tone, your standard text ring tone, or assign it to a specific contact. If you don't want to assign the ring tone, click "OK" or "Done"...