In Oak Ridge, Tennessee, a whopping 50,000 people worked to create the material, enriched uranium, needed for Los Alamos' bomb, while thousands more created another fissile material, plutonium, in Hanford, Washington. Including the hundreds of thousands of construction workers who built these labs...
There are a few things about this induced fission process that make it interesting: The probability of a U-235 atom capturing a neutron as it passes by is fairly high. In a bomb that is working properly, more than one neutron ejected from each fission causes another fission to occur. It...
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, a nuclear bomb needsabout 33 pounds (15 kilograms)of enriched uranium to be operational. The bulkiness of other bomb materials also make it harder to apply the technology to existing long-range missile systems. Where is Plutonium Found? Plutonium ge...
A nuclear power plant works pretty much like a conventional power plant, but it produces heat energy from atoms rather than by burning coal, oil, gas, or another fuel. The heat it produces is used to boil water to make steam, which drives one or more giant steam turbines connected to ...
The final element can be secured by shooting down a nuclear chopper and opening the nuclear crate that drops from it, this will give you Plutonium which will add a radiation effect to all players nearby. Head to the bomb site and arm the bomb ...
and although reports suggest the country isn't close to building a bomb, it may be able to complete one between 2010 and 2015. And as of March 2008, the world's nuclear stockpile has yet to diminish -- the U.S. has a total of 9,938 nuclear warheads, while Russia has 20,000 [sou...
Thousands of girls went to work in the watch factory to do the painstaking painting by hand. To make a finer point on their brushes, the girls would lick them. Sometimes to break up the monotony, the girls would paint their teeth and lips and turn off the lights. Although managers ...
choose Peter Weller’s Buckaroo Banzai for this list, but damn if we don’t laugh like 13-year-olds every time we hear these aliens tried to pass themselves off on Earth with names like John Bigboote. No Christopher Lloyd, pronouncing it Big-Boo-TAY does not make it any less ...
they weren’t entirely sure what it would do upon detonation. The weapon was nicknamed“The Gadget”and was basically the same design as the Fat Man. In the event of failure,Lieutenant General Leslie Groveswould have had to explain the loss of a billion dollars of plutonium to the Senate....
A-bomb and Edward Teller was the jew behind the H-bomb. Some people will inevitably argue in the comments that nuclear weapons are a hoax, which may very well be the case, but I think the best way to frame the nuclear threat is as a PsyOp. The psychological impact upon the world is...