When you’re satisfied, make your phone call. Put it on speakerphone and place the device you’re using for recording next to it with the recording app open. When everything is ready, hit the record button on your recording device and start your call. Remember to ask the person you’re...
Tap thesmall phone iconto make agroup audio call, or tap thegreen FaceTime buttonto make agroup video call. Your call will then begin! Method 2: Using a FaceTime link You can create a FaceTime call link and share it using Messages, email, WhatsApp, or any other app. Once sent, an...
How to Record WhatsApp Voice Calls on iPhone with Voice Memos Voice Memos, the pre-installed voice recording app in iOS, can be used as a WhatsApp call recorder for iPhone to capture audio and voice messages. 1. Start a WhatsApp audio call you want to record. Open Voice Memos. 2. Ta...
or you initiated the backup, but it wasn’t completed. Now, you can’t do anything to get back your previous WhatsApp chats. However, one thing you can check is to make sure you’re using thesame Apple/iCloud Accounton this iPhone as the old iPhone where you earlier had WhatsApp ...
Part 1. Best Way to Transfer WhatsApp from iPhone to iPhone A mighty tool can make you do more with less. HereTunesKit WhatsApp Transferis such a comprehensive tool specifically targeted at WhatsApp users. It is specialized in WhatsApp transfer from iPhone to iPhone, no matter what model ...
This is the easiest way to make calls on Apple Watch. Want more Apple Watch guides? Check outhow to mark emails as read or unreadas well ashow to sync music to Apple Watch using iPhone or iPad. Also check outguides, tutorials, tips, tricks, and hidden featuresfor smartphones, Windows,...
Get the code and enter it into the phone without a SIM. Enter your personal info and follow the instructions. You should be good to Go! How to set up WhatsApp on iPhone without a SIM by using a second phone: Download and openWhatsAppon your phone without a SIM card. ...
In this guide, we will look into how to make your iPhone announce calls always, whether there is a headphone connected or not. Enable iPhone Announce Calls Always If you have a pair of AirPods, you must be familiar withannouncing calls on iPhone while using headphones/AirPods.Likewise, we ...
Step 1.Open the Control Center by swiping up from the bottom of the screen. Look for the Screen Recording icon, which looks like a circle with a dot in the middle, and tap it. Step 2.Then, launch the Whatsapp calls. You will be given the option to turn on the microphone. Make su...
5. Now, openWhatsAppandmake a Video call. 6. Tap on the orangecamera iconto start recording the WhatsApp video. This is how you can easily record WhatsApp video calls on your Android phone. For iOS Users –If you are an iPhone user, you may follow these methods if you wantto record...