However, there are other paraphrasing techniques that can help, such as rearranging the sentence structure or changing a part of speech. We discuss these tools below, in the section on how to paraphrase without plagiarizing. Cite your sources within your text. Citations in academic writing ...
6、paraphrase a paragraph to how to make a paraphrase of a sentence.5Paraphrasing is a valuable skillread the original text carefullyIt is better than quoting information from an undistinguished passage.rearrange sentencesIt helps you control the temptation to quote too much.ReasonsThe mental process...
Paraphraseis:•yourowninterpretationofessentialinformationandideasexpressedbysomeoneelse,presentedinanewform.•onelegitimateway(whenaccompaniedbyaccuratedocumentation)toborrowfromasource.•amoredetailedrestatementthanasummary 6StepstoEffectiveParaphrasing •Rereadtheoriginalpassageuntilyouunderstanditsfullmeaning.•Set...
How_to_Paraphrase如何进行改写 HowtoParaphrase Whattobeparaphrased •动词•形容词•副词•名词(非专有名词)•句型•语态…HowtoParaphrase •使用同义词(解释)•转换词性•转换语态•句子关系替换•综合 使用同义词 •Itisworthlookingatoneortwoaspectsofthewayamotherbehavestowardsherbaby.使用...
Paraphrase your last point more directly Sorry, perhapsIdidn’t make myself clear. IthinkIgot confused.Let me start over here. III.结论(conclusion) 进入总结部分,应该象听众发出信号,说明你要总结了。 To sum up/ in a word/ to summarize/ in brief/ to put it simply/ in short… 最后要邀请...
If you do use more than two of the same words as the original in a row, place them inquotation marks. Avoid this as much as possible for a good paraphrase. Once you’ve rewritten each idea with the important information, it’s time to make sure your paraphrased version accurately expres...
Paraphrase “He packed ahead for the rainy day, and he also brought sunglasses in case it got sunny.” What is paraphrasing? Understanding the importance of paraphrasing comes down to one thing: easy communication.When a source is paraphrased, it usually becomes more straightforward because it is...
Quotations, paraphrases, and summaries serve many purposes. You might use them to:•Provide support for claims or add credibility to your writing;•Refer to work that leads up to the work you are now doing;•Give examples of several points of view on a subject;•Call attention to a...
To make sure you’ve properly paraphrased and cited all your sources, you could elect to run a plagiarism check before submitting your paper. And of course, always be sure to read your source material yourself and take the first stab at paraphrasing on your own. Check out our research on...