When you’re struggling with how to make an essay longer, it can be easy to get overwhelmed. If you want a better, longer essay, check out our easy tricks to increase the size of your paper! Ways to Make a Paper Longer Want to know how to make a paper longer? There’s a lot of...
How to Make a Short Paragraph Longer Too many short paragraphs can make a text feel jumpy and disconnected. If you’ve read through the tips above and realized that some of your paragraphs are too short, there are a few ways to lengthen them. First, go through your text and see if the...
As I’m a longtimeaccumulator of random knowledge, certain entries on the list---Being theOnly One, Figuring Out Who That Actoris---hit me where live;remembering detailed facts is no longer nearly as impressive when ev...
As summaries of longer texts are only about a paragraph long, you might wonder how to make a single paragraph shorter. The key is to focus on the main idea and important details. When summarizing, always aim to share the critical point first and to keep everything short. The importance of...
Agoodparagraphisonethatconsistsofatopicsentenceandsupportingsentences.* 列举式 *正反式 *经历→感受 Makeyourparagraphmorevivid,morepersuasiveandmoredetailed.一、列举式 阅读下面的文段,并为所给的拓展句排列顺序:IthinkI’mfitforthejob.___常用词汇:___Firstly/Tobegin….Secondly,SoI’msureIcandowi...
However, the only limitation is that your private things sometimes may be exposed to others. 列列举举式式经经历历感感受受列列举举式式 列举式列举式 正反式正反式 经历经历感受感受Make your paragraph more vivid, more persuasive a 16、nd more detailed. 阅读下面的文段,并为所给的拓展句排列顺序:...
AA.Two heads are better than one.B Failure is the mother of success.C.Actions speak louder than words.答案(1)细节理解题。根据第一段Do you know how to make a parachute(降落伞) by yourself?Have you tried to make the parachute stay in the air longer?(你知道怎...
This post will help you learn how to make an essay longer without resorting to useless fluff, purple prose, or silly things the reader will notice.
[Paragraph 10] If everyone is a busy reader, everyone is a busy writer, too. That may make it tempting to fire off as many messages as quickly as possible and hope for the best. But from essays to text messages organising dinner plans, devoting time to the needs of readers has provable...