The basics: A 30-second video which shows how to access Overleaf's commenting feature Using comments: A 1 minute video which shows a single user adding, editing, archiving (resolving) and deleting comments Collaborative commenting: This 2 minute video shows 2 fictitious users called Ivor Question...
I found this table on a paper and wish to use in my work as a reference. The thing is I don't know how to configure it so it looks like this...The topics on each column are not the same size and are not aligned, and I don't know how to make them "work independently". Can...
Overleaf.\texttt{LatexMk}is a Perl script which may vary slightly according to the\TeX{}Live version and compiler chosen for the project. If you need to be 100\%certain which\texttt{LatexMk}is being used, add code from this project to your project and compile to typeset a listing of\...
Firstly, due to abstracting and indexing agencies, such as Web of Science, Scifinder, PubMed (the list goes on), more people are going to view your abstract than read your paper. If you can make it clear why your article is important it is more likely to be found and read. Secondly,...
This produces a centered, large font name wherever it is used. This can be called like so: \name{John Smith} Now, for contact information. Add the following to the class file: \newcommand\contact[5]{%\centerline{%\makebox[0pt][c]{%#1{\large\textperiodcentered}#2{\large\textperiodcen...
To build the cross-reference table, Overleaf processed the source code of 9 TeX engines to extract the list of primitives supported by each one: that process produced 9 text files (1 file per TeX engine). Those 9 sets of primitives were combined to create a “master list” which was, in...
If you don’t see those arrows, or double-clicking the PDF doesn’t work, you need to make sure your project’s PDF viewer is set to “Overleaf” and not “Browser”. Here is a short video showing how to set your project’s PDF viewer and demonstrating Overleaf’s source/PDF synchro...
I am new to overleaf and trying to finish a manuscript using an overleaf template "Template for INFORMS Journal on Data Science" I am trying to rotate a table with 15 columns but the following code does not allow me to fit the table in the page width. I didn't use the sidewaystable ...
With Overleaf you can easily transfer the ownership of a project to a collaborator, and this feature is available to everyone on free andpremium accounts. Only the project owner can make this change, and the ownership change is immediate. Owner-only capabilities, such as the ability to add co...
This is a document to practice tweaking a class file for the first time, using the example of setting up the possibility of changing the colour theme of the ...