Make a Sim and Save it to the Library and GalleryMaking a Sim is the very first thing you do in the Sims 4, so a tutorial explaining the Create-a-Sim interface should help a few new players. Here are the things you need to know in order to customize your Sim, save them to the ...
How To Use Cheats On Console All Create-A-Sim And Build/Buy Cheats Although The Sims 4 offers plenty of items to help players “play with life,” and even so, Simmers are always hungry for just a little bit more. Whether you’re trying to make the best-dressed Sim in CAS or de...
If you want to experiment with drugs on your Sim, you have come to the right place. In Sims 4, your Sims can experiment with various drugs in the Basemental Drug mode, including cannabis, cocaine, MDMA, etc. The animations have bongs, papers, blunts, and other realistic props. You can ...
How to write a Bucket List in The Sims 4 Bucket List goals can be created in multiple ways. If you want to set your Sim’s goals, get them to create a Bucket List using the computer or a journal. You can also let the game automatically set your Sim’s Bucket List goals. These ge...
A key part of The Sims 4 Seasons Expansion Pack is the addition of holidays to the game. Each holiday that appears on your Sim’s calendar has set traditions, which are activities for your Sims to participate in. The Harvestfest holiday, which happens during Fall in the game, includes fou...
In this basic background, the game introduces a custom game engine and supports players to create and add CC(Custom Content) and Mods in Sims 4.CC and Modscan maximize your choices, bring new clothes, hairstyles, behavior styles, and so on to your Sims, and make the world you build more...
The Top is the new location where I moved the folder "SANKESU(E: ) The Sims 4" (Theres a space after the : because it becomes a smiley face if it's together like this 🙂 ) To the right is the Command Prompt. These are all the commands I've tried. The first one is to show...
How do you make a sim "Go to Class" on Sims 2: University? I just made a sim go to university and it said my Sim had class in one hour. I thought a bus would pick her up or something but it didn't. So I looked it up and it said select the sim>college>go to class. T...
The sims team could make it so you needed to pay for a taxi to travel if you don't have a car.the taxi would also take some time to arrive. Anyways items in the catalog are also weirdly priced. For example in eco lifestyle wind turbines and solar panels should be worth a lot ...
A Tutorial for both how to move a Sim out of the Household to live on their own, or move your Sims into a new house.