Click OK. The feature types selected are imported to the feature dataset in the geodatabase. Converting CAD annotation to geodatabaseThis method preserves font, text size and text color.To determine an appropriate reference scale for the annotation, open a new, empty map in ArcMap, and draw...
ArcMap Наглавную Началоработы Карта Анализ Управлениеданными Инструменты ДополнительныемодулиИнструменты Справочникпоинструментам Упр...
Start ArcMap or ArcCatalog and connect to the geodatabase containing the table or feature class to modify field properties. If the table or feature class is in an enterprise, workgroup, or desktop geodatabase, it is necessary to connect as the table owner to modify field properties. Right...
ArcMap 10.8 | 帮助归档 ArcGIS Desktop 处于成熟支持阶段,将于 2026 年 3 月 1 日停用。 当前没有发布 ArcGIS Desktop 未来版本的计划,建议您迁移到 ArcGIS Pro。 有关详细信息,请参阅从 ArcMap 迁移至 ArcGIS Pro。 确定如何注册数据以进行编辑时,首先需要考虑的始终是高级数据模型和工作流。要编辑拓扑、几...
A walk-through of the GOMOD conceptual design and how to make your spatial data services available for the others to use in their work. by Drew Stephens February 1, 2024 Introduction In short, the success of GOMOD relies on the growing prevalence of authoritative and publicly shared geospatial...
dimension and then switch selection to this new dimension, it shows on my map. But if I don't actually make any changes, it disappears when I unselect. If I do make a modification to the geometry and apply, the dimension then is visible and the Dimension Length and other a...
shutdown, reboot, start a new project, add only the data you want to buffer,... not a geodatabase with everything under the sun...only the data even if you need to export the layer to a shapefile... In the environments tab of the buffer tool, set the extent to that of the lay...
Convert an annotation feature class to a shapefileIn ArcToolBox navigate to Data Management Tools > Features.Select the Feature to Point tool.Run the Feature
a zipped gdb or publishing a feature layer from ArcMap or ArcGIS Pro.The main thing you will need to make sure of is to not mix the geometries in the feature layers.They need to be either all point geometries or all multipatch geometries, if you have mixed geometries you will not see...
Custom geographic (datum) transformations for shapefiles and geodatabase feature classes cannot be used in ArcToolbox, but can be used in ArcMap by completing the steps below. Note: At versions after 9.1, a custom geographic (datum) transformation can be saved to disk using the Create Custom...