Grass is also used to make sugar, liquor, bread and plastics, among many other things. Grasses have a very simple structure, and a very simple way of life. You can better grasp what grass needs when you understand how it actually functions in the world. At the base of the grass plant...
Add 1/4 cup of soda to a vase of cut flowers. The soda is thought to make the blooms last longer (and smell sweeter!) I’d give this one a head’s up. It did seem to make my flowers last longer a bit longer. This is likely due to the acidic action and the sugar in the so...
While succulents are relatively easy to grow and come in different lovely colors and shapes, they tend to be easily infected by fungi, especially when taken away from their natural habitats. Fungus in succulent seed soil is pretty brutal to stop, so you should prevent them from happening in ...
Apply preventative fungicides:Fungicides are typically not useful as a curative treatment against established fairy rings, but they can be effective as a preventative solution. Always follow the product’s instructions when applying fungicide. Perform a soil test and create a balanced fertilization regime...
Copper fungicides are approved to use for organic gardening, so if you prefer to stick to natural gardening methods that don’t use chemicals, copper fungicide will be your friend. The biggest benefit that will draw you to use copper fungicides is that they can be used to treat symptoms of...
How to Prevent:Always give plants plenty of room to grow and be sure to divide them as they begin to spread and naturalize. How To Treat:If Fungal Leaf Spot appears, simply cut the tops off of the affected leaves. If the disease persists, you can use a natural fungicide, spraying in ...
Not to be confused withsphagnum moss, sphagnum peat moss is a natural fungicide and is very lightweight and retains water extremely well. At the same time, it allows excess water to drain off. It’s naturally made in wetlands over centuries of decomposing plants. But unexpectedly, peat does...
Apply a fungicide to help prevent further infection as you make corrective cultural measures. 4. Fairy ring Fairy ring Scot Nelson| Flickr |Public domain Causal Agent:Many different species of fungi in the fungal groupbasidiomycetescause fairy ring. ...
Once you have a general location picked out, make sure you plant themat leastone foot away from other plants.Gaillardiatend to have a compact growing habit, but will fill in nicely if given at least one foot of growing room. Blanket flowerscan also be planted in patio potsor containers!
Gray mold (Botrytis blight) produces a fuzzy gray coating on blossoms and berries; remove and destroy damaged flowers and fruits; harvest fruits frequently before they become infected; spray plants with compost tea, a natural fungicide. Red stele (root rot) causes plants to wilt. To check for...