Although I’m usually amargaritakind of girl, when the holidays roll around I’m all about the eggnog. There’s just something about it that screams “Christmas cheer” to me! And when I really want to be over the top, turning that eggnog into an eggnog mudslide drink is about a th...
Want to make a Mudslide like a champion bartender? This clip will show you how it's done. With the proper technique, mixing the perfect drink can be easy. So easy, in fact, that this free video bartenders' guide can present an overview of the process in about a minute's time. For...
This shot is similar to several other layered drinks, such as the B-52 and the Mudslide, as all three contain Kahlúa and Baileys Irish Cream, but whereas the other two add a third liquor, the Blow Job goes for fun by topping it all off with whipped cream. The Blow Job is perfect ...
Whether you prefer it boozy or non-alcoholic, follow our easy recipe to make perfect eggnog every Christmas.
Get a crash course in vodka, like the best foods to pair with itVodka: love it or hate it, this odor- and flavor-free liquor is a staple in most bars and many modern cocktails. While not for the faint of heart, vodka can be enjoyed...
Whether you prefer it boozy or non-alcoholic, follow our easy recipe to make perfect eggnog every Christmas.