This Minecraft tutorial explains how to craft a trident with screenshots and step-by-step instructions. In Minecraft, a trident is a weapon that was added in the Aquatic Update (Java Edition 1.13). When using a trident in combat, it can either be thrown
block projectiles, and look like a knight (complete with thebest Minecraft skins) while protecting yourself. You can even use it to make traveling into theNether portalless risky. But let’s not get ahead
Fun and informative Minecraft how to videos and tutorials! Follow along with our free step-by-step instructions and video breakdowns!
Amplifying this is easily done with mods or plugins, as you’re given many methods to make unique swords, axes, bows, tridents, and crossbows, among others.With this in mind, we hope this Apex Hosting guide helped you learn all about custom weapons in Minecraft....
How do I make a shield in Minecraft? To make a shield in Minecraft you need to have Iron Ingot and 6 Planks and place them in a certain order on a Crafting table. This will give you a shield, however, if you add a banner to the shield, you can superimpose the banner on the shie...
How to get a Mace inMinecraft The higher you jump from, the harder you hit. Image via Mojang You can only obtain aMacebycraftingone yourself. Other weapons likeSwordsandAxescan sometimes be found as chest loot, but since the Mace is a special weapon more similar to aTrident, there is ...
In Minecraft, you can add powers to a netherite sword by enchanting it. Enchantments can be added to items using an enchanting table, anvil, or game command.Let's explore how to make an enchanted netherite sword using an enchanting table....
How to use a Mace inMinecraft AMacecan beused just like any other weapon by pressing the attack button, but the most effective way to deal damage with it is to make sure you’refalling while you attack. The damage dealt by a Mace increases with each block you fall, which basically mea...
part is that you can get your Minecraft server up and running in 15 minutes or less. To put that into perspective, it’s half the time it will take most players to defeat theWarden in Minecraft 1.19. So, let’s not waste any time and learn how to make a free Minecraft server ...
HOW TO MAKE AN ANVIL IN MINECRAFT? Make noise and spawn the Warden. Then, make a tower that is six blocks high. Place cobwebs on its top, bottom, and sides. The top cobweb will cancel out any knockback from the shriek. The bottom ones will protect you when you fall. ...