Magic circle crochet patterns can be used for a variety of patterns including crochet hats, scarves, bags, and more. When crocheting in the round, there are several ways to start: you may chain 4, slip stitch to join and form a ring, you can chain 3 and make double crochet stitches ...
This is a simple tutorial on how to make a magic ring or a magic circle, how to secure the loop and how to work a few simple stitches into the magic ring. This technique is super easy and great for beginners too. Magic ring comes in handy when you work in rounds, especial when you...
Learn how to crochet with our step-by-step guide, including hundreds of crochet patterns! From how to tie a slip knot and crochet a chain to advanced stitches.
A step-by-step tutorial showing beginners how to crochet a circle coaster to make beautifuls crochet granny square coasters.
How to Make a Easy Sunshine Crochet Square Block: Crochet Square Blocks are a versatile project to make. Crocheted Squares have a tremendous variety of ideas that they can be used for. Right from basic Crochet Coasters to a Complex Clothing Accessory. Th
How To Make Paneer Paneer is a homemade Indian cheese. Paneer is used many different ways making desserts, appetizers and main course dishes. Ingredients 8 cupa milk, half gallon 1/4 cup lemon juice Instructions Mix lemon juice in half cup of hot water and put aside. Boil the milk in...
Today, I'm sharing with you the steps on how to make a traditional rag rug so you can have fun, and keep your doorstep clean all the time!
One of the best things about the craft of crochet is that you don’t need to learn very much at all in order to be able to make beautiful things, and yet there is also always something new that you can learn in crochet. Learning just a tiny bit about materials and the basic single...
Learn how to make necklaces at home with these 35 easy diy necklace ideas that will add homemade charm to your jewelry on a cheap budget.
Step 5: Enlarge Your Guide Enough to See It. Maybe Even Go 1:1 To make your tiny .gif image into a guide large enough to see, enlarge it in Photoshop by a power of two. In other words, double its size, quadruple it, increase it by 8 or 16 times. If you choose another enlargem...