Americans spend an average of 7 hours a day on electronic devices. That’s a lot of time staring at blue light. Worse yet, nine out of 10 Americans admit to reaching for an electronic device at least several nights each week shortly before bedtime. That could be an invitation forinsomnia....
I am going to have to make one of these cute things! xo Mary Jo Magical Day Dream July 2, 2013 at 18:05 You should! I would love to see the result if you do! Reply Sofia Miacis July 2, 2013 at 21:47 That’s a great idea on how to use an old lightbulb! I have a...
Who created the lightbulb? Did Thomas Edison create the lightbulb or was it someone else? When did Lewis Latimer invent the telephone? How to light up a light bulb without electricity. How did Nikola Tesla discover electricity? What did Joseph Priestley discover about electricity?
By choosing to make your own lamp, you're embarking on a journey of creativity, learning, and sustainability. Enjoy the process and the product of your labor! How to Make a Lamp - Step by Step Discovering the potential in everyday objects and upcycling 'junk' into beautiful, functional lam...
It all started when I was looking at peoples projects made with opened light bulbs and the step on how to do open them was never well explained so I decided to make an instructable that only focus on that. This instructable is to help you learn how to open a light bulb to use in yo...
When Thomas Edison was inventing the lightbulb. He made over 10000 experiments. He discovered the most effective way of producing light with electricity (at the time). When queried about this he said: “I haven’t failed, I’ve just found 10,000 ways not to make a lightbulb” ...
Make the light bulb light up with the battery by touching the bottom tip of the bulb to the positive or bumpy end of the battery. The bulb contains two wires extending into the inside of its base that create the circuit that lights the bulb. One stops at the side of the metal base ...
Early Central Americans and Mexicans used the seeds of cacao trees to make a drink that tasted bitter, not sweet. Later on, this drink was made into a sweet drink, known as hot chocolate today. Why does chocolate taste sweet? That’s because a lot of sugar is added. This means that ...
Internet-dependent – Desperately need to switch the lights off while you get ready for bed but no internet connection? Too bad! No internet eliminates the “smart” function on that smart device. Now you just have a normal lightbulb. Data breach and other security risks – IoT can be used...
Incandescent light bulb longevity and how to make it last longer General Electric Company was the first to patent a method of making tungsten filaments for use in incandescent light bulbs back in 1906, and the method hasn’t changed a great deal during that time. Although they do have the ...