Melon vines seek to crawl on the ground. Climbing up a trellis or wire fence requires training the vines. Start as early as the first vines appear. Tie them to the trellis with twine to prevent them from falling back to the ground. You’ll need to do this twice a week until the vine...
I suppose. I guess I had a crush on her. I also had a crush on the following: any female nice enough to speak to me. Ever since graduating college, a year and a half earlier, my carnal senses had lain volcanically latent as I roamed the sexual wasteland called the American Climbing...
Everyone wants to write a book. (Okay, maybe not everyone, but if you ask a hundred people if they’d like to write one, I’d bet seventy-something of them would say yes.)Anthologiesand short story collections don’t make a ton of money because no one really wants to read them. So...