Spend a Friday night watching women parade in town centres the length and breadth of Britain and you will be able to see for yourself that they take the drag queen make-up and hooker uniform they see on screen literally. I recently talked to a group of teenage girls at a school in Hack...
All players interested, please reach out. I have been speaking with a couple of other players we are looking to get together make good music and see where things take us. Music therapy is a wonderful thing to share, anyone, any age, any style and any instrument is welcome. Please reach...
There is a particularly poignant way to be a social disaster: through over-friendliness, a pattern of behaviour driven by the very best of motives which ends up feeling as irritating as outright rudeness. 有一种特别的方法可以把一个人变成社交悲剧。那就是过分友好,这种行为源自于最善良的动机,却...
i surely hope we get the my rise character in too ( i hated that last year i had to get on cc a copy of them as caw to have them they arleady are all made (move set, entrance all they are missing is selectable coding ot make it avalaible and no character should b...
I would ask you if it would be ok if I could get a picture with you.see,there is a photograph right there , I want you to put your hands up and make yourselves look amazing! 谢谢(也是中文说的),thank you. So the album you've so kindly brought,and the album I wrote a few ...
(Edit) 演唱:Madonna & Justin ★ LrC@JpoPcC赖润诚 ★ Yeah Break down Come on (Madonna:) Come on boy I've been waiting for somebody To pick up my stroll (Justin:) Well don't waste time Give me a sign Tell me how you wanna roll (Madonna:) I want somebody to speed it up for ...