In Minecraft Java Edition (PC/Mac) 1.8, 1.9 and 1.10, the syntax to summon an iron golem is: /summon VillagerGolem [x] [y] [z] [dataTag] Definitions posorx y zis optional. It is thex y z coordinatewhere the iron golem should spawn. If no coordinate is specified, the iron golem...
在我的世界中,你可以在任何地方制作你的铁傀儡,只需要将一些方块搭建在一起。当你搭建完毕,铁傀儡就会在游戏中复活。 让我们来学习怎么制作铁傀儡 制作铁傀儡需要的材料 在我的世界你需要以下材料来搭建铁傀儡 1 南瓜 4 铁块 提示:你可以使用南瓜或者南瓜灯来制作铁傀儡。 制作铁傀儡的步骤 1.搭建身体 在我的...
Minecraft Amethyst Shards are found through geodes, shallow occurrences while mining that can be cracked open and leave a subtle light to make them even easier to notice and home in on. Amethyst Shards themselves are useful objects that players can use to make Tinted Glass or a Spyglass, so ...
Iron golems are big, tough mobs that protect villagers. They can spawn inside a village naturally, but most naturally occurring villages are too small for this to happen. You can create your own iron golem in any up-to-date version of...