Rebirth ::The Big Call is a fork in the road (think: the missing money inIt’s a Wonderful Life). That means she’s already had to deal with a major crisis. Be sure to make your call to action something that will help her navigate her decision to move toward transformation and innova...
So we are arranged that we always want to create something new! To enjoy the fruits of other people's works, of course, is easier, but it's much more pleasant to make something of your own, original. And it does not matter, it's a new instrument for performing important work or an...
Alex Wuttke: It’s a huge bonus to be able to have Neal and team puppeteering on set. Firstly, it cuts down on the time that you spend in post just trying to find the animation when you can get a performance right in front of camera that J.A.’s looking at. The DP’s ligh...
The grand, sweeping shots of Jurassic World, set to that classicJohn Williamstheme, are the first time in three sequels that will make you feel any of the awe and magic you felt the first time. The attractions — including a petting zoo with baby triceratops! — manage to capture ...
Samaritan 2 Can't Make The Same Mistake As Recent Sylvester Stallone Sequels Sylvester Stallone coming back as Joe inSamaritan 2means it needs to learn from the mistakes in his recent sequels in order to work. Stallone is first and foremost an action star, which comes in handy in a superh...
and mouse' foot chase scene was challenging enough, and then we transition into the helicopter interior fight sequence, where the real stunt pilot did things that a helicopter is not supposed to be able to do … but did, and over a crowd of thousands. It's a classic James Bond opening....
You looking at me? It's time to make Apple and Google mind their own business. By Luke JohnsonPublished: 24 July 2015You might not know it, but Apple and Google are keeping an eye on your every move. Yes, right now. Wait, they saw that, stop, keep still. Like Jurassic World's ...