you might have to place a temporary block first to place the floating glass blocks. Then, place thebee nestfacing the glass chamber on top of the hopper. It’s best to have the bee already in the nest otherwise, getting it in the chamber...
3. Once the pillars are ready, place aRedstone repeateron the block next to the sticky piston. Put the repeater at four ticks by moving its levers to the furthest ends using your secondary action key. 4. Finally, use building blocks toconnect the trapdoor to the piston usingRedstone dust...
1. First, place one building block on each block around the carpeted hopper, i.e. on the glass blocks, dispenser, and observer. This willturn the carpeted area into a cagefrom which chickens can’t get out. After that,you need to make a temporary staircasestarting from the ground and ...