you can make your own simple 9x magnification Galilean telescope at home. It's affordable yet powerful enough to see many of the wonders the sky has to offer. With a focus of 9x, this powerful homemade telescope lets you see features on the Earth...
Davis, Wesley. "How To: Simple Homemade Sextant", 24 April 2017. APA Davis, Wesley. (2017, April 24). How To: Simple Homemade Retrieved from
using both simple shop tools as well as advanced programmable NC equipment. I hope the information will be of interest to both the advanced machinist as well as the home shop enthusiast. The workshop of Alvan Clark is featured on this page--a respectful nod to telescope builders of the past...
It's always gratifying to rely on experience to help someone out. When I first cleaned a classic that needed it, I was as nervous as a March hare. I've now done it enough times that I have to remind myself not to become complacent. Always treat the concave flint element like a holy...
Indirect viewing is another way to enjoy the eclipse without damaging your eyes. Brinton said there are several ways to indirectly view the event, including a homemade pinhole projector. Here's how to make one: Put a small pinhole into a piece of paper ...
Are solar eclipse glasses safe to view the total solar eclipse with? Solar eclipse glasses can be used to safely view a total solar eclipse, but it's important to make sure they're of the right quality. Don't use sunglasses, smoked glass, an unfiltered telescope and magnifiers or polarize...
Point your camera lens straight up, 90 degrees, and make sure that the material you use is heavy enough to lay flat on the objective of your camera lens. You may need to construct a homemade flat panel for your camera lens, that has added weight around the edges. ...
Note that in addition to a mailbox and paint, you need some paintbrushes and probably something for your little ones to stand on. In our case, we used our little chairs. Peekaboo! Step 3 My daughter was intent on combining two things she loves: hearts + flowers = heart flowers. ...
How to Look At The Sun Safely Even a partially covered Sun is still dangerously bright; view it only through special-purpose eclipse glasses or hand-held solar viewers that meet the ISO 12312-2 international standard for such products. Homemade filters or ordinary sunglasses, even very dark one...
For anyone who wishes to use a camera, telescope, or binoculars during the eclipse, remember to buy a proper solar filter that fits your equipment. Some astronomical companies also make specially-designedsolar-viewing binoculars. What NOT to do ...