This is a funny, silly, and colorfully animated children’s film featuring Jimmy Neutron. Jimmy has created all kinds of interesting things to make his life easier, including a robotic dog, Goddard, who follows him everywhere. Jimmy and his friend, Carl, use a homemade spaceship to launch ...
Egg Carton Helicopter: A sure way to ensure a craft is loads of fun is to make a homemade toy! This homemade toy is a fun craft and an awesome science experiment too. Birch Tree Art: Don’t let this craft fool you, it is very, very SIMPLE! This craft uses a tape-resist approach...
Pallets can be rough and may have splinters or nails sticking out. Always wear protective gloves when handling pallets to avoid injuries. Also, make sure to thoroughly sand down any rough edges to make the playhouse safe for children. Stable Construction Ensure that your playhouse has a wide ba...
Original video: "Open large doors into a library" Remix video:“Turn the library into a spaceship” Re-cut The re-cut feature allows creators to pinpoint and isolate the most impactful frames in a video, extending them in either direction to build out a complete scene. This tool is ...
AI offers the potential for the library to offer its services at the scale required. We just have to make sure the tools actually provide agoodservice. What I’d like to see I’d like to see AI that… Asks the user questions to clarify what they’re after, like reference librarian wou...
If I’m not drinking, then I can have an extra slice of homemade Boston cream pie when I want to. And I can color outside the lines a little bit more and get away with it, and not feel that disruption in sleep, in particular. To your point, it’s not like you wake up tired...
You don’t have to use foil but it makes cleaning up easier. Make sure you have a light coating of flour all over the ball of dough. Now press all around the outside of the ball and make a spaceship. I think it looks like spaceship. Go with it. ...
So when searching for a forgotten novel, you’ll often have to use all the different details you remember from the book with Google’s different search functions. For example, quotations will be your friend to make sure Google doesn’t try to eliminate distinguishing details. The addition symbo...
During a partial solar eclipse, people often use pinhole cameras to watch the progress of the moon across the sun's surface (pinhole cameras are easy to make at home). This is an "indirect" way of observing the sun, because the viewer sees only a projection of the sun and the moon. ...
Now that you've learned how to muddy up your sound, let's take a look at ways to make it weirder. Next, we explore the wide world of modulation effects. Make It Weird: Modulation Pedals Back in the 1940s, Don Leslie developed a speaker cabinet that split a signal between a 15-in...