Measure around the head or wrist with a fabric measuring tape to determine how long to make the haku lei. The recommended length for a haku lei for the head is 21 inches, but the measurement may differ depending upon the age and size of the person who will wear the lei. Gather fresh ...
Once your homemade fish emulsion rots down, thin out 5 or 6 parts water to one part emulsion – unless you had a lot of water in the barrel to begin with – then water your plants with it. They love it! Give it a try and let me know how it works for you. ...
Because Candlemas is traditionally celebrated with candles, , my first craft idea is to actually make a candle craft with kids! That does not mean you need to make actual candles (although you could) but even a simple paper craft can make this a really fun feast day celebration! Be sure ...
Generally, I like to fill up the space with a bunch of nitrogen-fixing and biomass-producing species. I make sure that the large trees that you cannot keep cropped back, such as pecans, are placed towards edges will they will not shade everything else. I tend to start a lot of trees ...
Pray the rosary. to the Holy Spirit. Go to church, read the Bible, and talk to Jesus. Not Helpful 5 Helpful 38 See more answers Ask a Question Submit Video Act of Contrition "O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended thee. I detest all my sins, Because I dread ...
These are usually reserved for Good Friday -- but you've got to make them in advance! Make soft, homemade pretzels. The shape symbolizes arms crossed in prayer.[2] Of course, you could always prepare food for needy families or those at the local shelter. 4 Have a weekly sacrifice ...
Measure around the head or wrist with a fabric measuring tape to determine how long to make the haku lei. The recommended length for a haku lei for the head is 21 inches, but the measurement may differ depending upon the age and size of the person who will wear the lei. ...