Microwaveable heating bags (aka bed buddies or magic rice bags) are very easy to make using simple materials & are just the ticket to soothe aches & pains.
Since then “corn bags” — even though the current ones are filled with rice — have been a staple in our home for soothing muscle spasms and bring comfort on cold days. This is an easy, fun gift to make for your kids or for yourself! You just need to be able to sew three straig...
Two-thirds of babies in the U.S. are born through vaginal delivery. Whether you're inlaborfor 2 hours or 2 days, you'll probably need to stay in the hospital for 24-48 hours, depending on what you and your doctor decide. After you go home, your body will need a few weeks to re...
Quick and simple ways to make a reusable, homemade heating padHeating pads are easy to make at home and can be used to relieve a number of the different aches and pains that you might experience. Whether you have a migraine, muscle pain,...
For a larger homemade heating pad, use a small pillowcase instead of a sock. 2 Place the sock inside a tall glass. Using a cup as a holder for the sock will make it easier to fill the sock with rice. Insert the sock into a tall glass. Wrap the cuff of the sock around the rim...
Cure Stomach Cramps How toRecognize the Symptoms of Stomach Ulcers How toPrepare for a Colonoscopy How to Make a Homemade Enema: Everything You Need to Know How to Take a Stool Sample with a Stool Collection Kit How toUse Castor Oil How toAdminister an Enema Esophageal Blockage: Signs, ...