This depends on your level of graduation. There is a graduation tradition called the turning of the tassel. As tradition goes, there comes a time during the ceremony when the graduates are asked to flip their tassel from one side of their cap to another and this signifies the earning of a...
Wondering How to Wear a Graduation Cap and Apply the Tassel? Follow these 9 simple steps to ensure you are wearing everything properly.
When it comes time to choose your graduation cap decoration, the first thing you should do is think about the theme that you’d like to use for your high school or college grad cap. Do you want to feature a meme or catchphrase that was popular this year? Are you looking to create a...
Cute, crafty and super easy to make, you'll want macramé keychains for everything and everyone possible after this.
Make sure you learn how to wear it right. It’s true, blue tuxedos look amazing, but only if you’re styling it correctly. Luckily, we’ve pulled together five easy rules to ensure you achieve your own red carpet-ready look.When to Wear a Blue Tuxedo: The Black Tie Creative ...
Five Easy Tips to Wear Your Graduation Cap & Gown Immediately remove the gown from the bag.In order to ensure that your cap, gown and tassel ready for graduation day, it is important to immediately remove the graduation gown from the bag as soon as you get home with your graduation outfit...
The gown is also straightforward. Most gowns can zip, so you might want to take some photographs with them zipped and unzipped. Stole This is a sash that is worn around the neck during graduation. It’s easy to put on, and as the photographer, make sure the two ends are even through...
Transform a plain greeting card into a sweet birthday surprise with a cheerful handmade tassel. To make the tassel, cut long strips of colorful tissue paper and fold them in half, then tie off the top with a thin ribbon or thread. Use a small hole punch to add a hole in the top righ...
How to Make the Best Popped Quinoa Posted onSeptember 30, 2021 Reply Toasting quinoagives it a great texture, fabulous aroma, and magnifies the nutty flavor. Plus, it’s a great way to add more of this ancient grain (which is actually a seed), into your diet – the health benefits of...
How do I wear my graduation tam? Take your tam out of its packaging and make sure it has the correct number of sides. Place the tam on your head. ... Adjust the top of the tam to have a slight tilt to the right. ... Rotate the tam so the bullion tassel is on the left ...