“You won’t believe what happened when I took the dog to the park” interests me. I want to know what happened, so I’ll stick with you as long as your story holds me. To keep me turning the pages ofyour book, you need a plot that grabs me by the throat and keeps me with y...
Few are they who have the time to look for a new story every day to tell their kids. The only quick solution is to make one up on the spur of the moment. However, the great majority of parents don't consider themselves sufficiently creative to invent a new story every day. But it'...
What is important is that the conflict feels real and believable, and that it has a meaningful impact on both the character and the story. So make sure that you create obstacles for yourcharactersto overcome so that they have to struggle and grow in order to succeed. 3. Keep a Consistent...
Here’s a tip: Want to make your story shine? Grammarly proofreads your writing so you can catch typos and mistakes early. It also provides suggestions for word choice and tone. Different types of stories Each story is unique in its combination of characters, setting, plot, conflict, and...
Comic characters make it through unscathed. 3. Hero’s Journey. In a “hero’s journey,” the hero of a story must undergo two things: recognition and reversal of a situation. Something has to happen from the outside that inspires the hero in a way that he/she didn’t realize before...
Storyboard Formatting Step 2: Read the scene It should come as no surprise that to make a good storyboard, you need to understand the scene you’re boarding. What is the core purpose of the sequence? What are you trying to get across? How is the plot moving forward, and how are char...
for a new story every day to tell their kids. The only quick solution is to make one up on the spur of the moment. However, the great majority of parents don't consider themselves sufficiently creative to invent a new story every day. But it's actually a lot easier than it might ...
An online portfolio is the modern-day version of a business card, resume and project showcase all in one. Here’s how to make a portfolio in 10 steps.
Why do you need a storyboard? If you’re new to creating videos and films, you might wonder why you need to know how to make a storyboard. If you have a script and a camera, why can’t you just jump into shooting the footage you need for your video? Almost all experienced video...
“Make America Great Again,” Donald Trump’s Campaign Slogan Many stories actually include two sequential Man in a Hole story arcs, as illustrated by this curve: According to Reagan and the researchers at the University of Vermont, this is one of the most popular structures, andthemost popula...