Now would be a good time to perform any tasks specific to your setup.(Table of Contents)Create SSH Group For AllowGroupsWhyTo make it easy to control who can SSH to the server. By using a group, we can quickly add/remove accounts to the group to quickly allow or not allow SSH ...
Write your own GitHub Actions from scratch. You can make them open source, or even publish them to the GitHub Marketplace. Using open-source GitHub Actions Many GitHub Actions are open source and available for anyone who wants to use them. However, just like with any open-source software...
How to make a good GitHub profile README? To create an impactful GitHub profile README, focus on a concise yet engaging presentation of your skills and projects. Begin with a brief introduction, including your name, role, and a touch of personalization to make it relatable. Use a professiona...
the command-line interface, to make and keep track of any changes. As a result, every team member receives help to work together onmultiple projectsfrom any location, thanks to top-notch collaboration. As a token of its flexibility, GitHub lets users review previous projects created at an ear...
I have many local git repos on my OSX. Using the command line I want to make new gitlab repositories onhttps://gitlab.companyname.comfrom existing local repositories. Is it possible to do that? --set-upstream Assuming you'll take care of writing the script that would ...
Make sure to rename the USB/Core/Inc/usbd_conf_template.h and USB/Core/Src/usbd_conf_template.c files to usbd_conf.h/.c. After doing so, open the usbd_conf.h. In this file, we need to replace the HAL driver header file name according to the MCU Family we are u...
You don’t need to know your trees from your dangling blobs. If you use Git every day and feel like it’s a juggling act, then here are some tricks and tips to help make your life a bit easier. There’s been a lot written about getting started with git,
Makefile feat: update build scripts 6年前 统一规范,在中英文,数字和中文之间添加空格 5年前 epub.css Removing Unusual indentations 5年前 github-roam.epub a release 9年前 docs: fix source issues with #44 #43 ...
cmake --build.--config Release --target install Build protobuf library (replace<zlib-root-dir>with a proper path): git clone -b v25.3 git submodule update --init --recursive ...