The best way to do that is to make sure you're absolutely clear on your “numbers”. Understand how many clients you need to hit your goals, how long each one typically stays with you, how many potential clients you need to talk with to land a new client, and how long that typically...
Chapter 1 On Amazon, products are being discovered and brands are making new connections every day. According to a survey by Tinuiti, 75% of customers use Amazon to discover new products and brands.1 1Tinuiti, “The 2020 Amazon Shopper Survey” ...
Creating a table of contents (ToC) for a book or a long document can be a grueling process if you don't know just what to do. It also depends on the type of word processing or formatting tool you're using. So if you're unsure how to make a table of contents, you've come to ...
subtitle📚 Make sure the subtitle gives context—it can be longer, more SEO-friendly, and descriptive. This is especially important when your main title is catchy or based on a brand, because that means the main title isn’t necessarily a good indicator for a fresh reader as to what...
Send the email a day or two before your last day. While you could wait until your final day, sending the email a day or two in advance gives co-workers time to respond or make plans to attend your send-off party. If you worked with any clients or partners in your posit...
Step 4: Create time & space to write How do you fit writing into your life? Writing a book requiresconsistent time and space. Here’s how to make it happen: 1.Schedule non-negotiable writing time– Pick specificdays and times each week for writing. Even 30 minutes a day adds up over...
This will boost your chances of sales and good reviews. Viable goal: If you want to use your ebook to attract readers or make money, select a topic that aligns with your overall goal. If your ebook is a lead magnet, make sure the topic fits your industry and what you offer. For ...
I love how you always know how to make me laugh, even on my toughest days. Instead of “You’re amazing,” say: Your kindness and thoughtfulness inspire me to be a better person every day. If you’re having trouble coming up with the words to express yourself, try using a famousquote...
To title a book, compose a title that’s intriguing, clear, and draws in the readers in your target market. Aim for a discoverable, genre-specific book title.
The title is what people see first. It’s what they remember when they go home to look the book up. It’s what they say when they recommend the book to others. It’s the most important marketing decision that a writer can make because, while a good title can’t make a book popular...