In this tutorial you will learn how to define and call a custom function in PHP to save the repetition of code and make your code much easier to maintain.
If using the PHPheader()function is not a viable solution, use JavaScript to set up a PHP redirect. Take into consideration that JavaScript redirects via PHP work slower and require the end user’s browser to have JS enabled and downloaded. There are three ways to set up a PHP redirect u...
I want to calculate the diff between every element (array) of this multidimensional array using array_diff PHP function. The first thing I've thought is to split the multidimensional array into single arrays with this:for($cnt = 0; $cnt < count($values); $cnt++){ for($cntB...
For example, if you go with all-in-one solutions, those tools will usually add their branding to your site in some shape or form. There may be a logo in the corner or you’ll be stuck withusing a subdomain. This type of third-party branding and advertisements can make the website f...
In a PHP application, JavaScript comes in handy if we need to create a popup window. We can use the JavaScriptalert()method to achieve our goal. The function creates an alert box on the webpage. We can write the JavaScript code in a PHP file inside the<script>tag. ...
usleep function() is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to make the entire process in execution to halt for some microseconds or milliseconds. Let’s see the working flow of usleep function which is as follows : usleep function is a function in PHP related to time which is used for...
As mentioned earlier, using PayPal is quite easy. You just have to follow three steps to make an online payment successfully. 1- Choose PayPal to checkout 2- Login to your account 3- Confirm your payment and pay. It really looks like an easy process. However, if you are working with ...
We show the full PHP code of how to create a class in PHP. <?php class animals { function eat() { echo ("I eat food"); } } $lion= new animals; $lion->characteristic= "King of the jungle"; echo "Lion Characteristic: " . $lion->characteristic . "<br>"; $lion->eat(); ?
You may also need to use a redirect if you are changing domains or you want to redirect users from HTTP to HTTPS. Throughout this tutorial, we make use of the PHP header function. In addition, we have a full tutorial covering the header function that I recommend checking out if you ...
To make it simpler for you to understand how to become a PHP developer, here is the step-by-step procedure: Step 1 – Get a Relevant Degree You should have at least a relevant Bachelor’s degree before you set out to become a PHP developer. Although there aren’t any stringent qualific...