Learning when to use restrictions and how to implement permissions are key tools to enabling your organization to make the most out of Confluence.
I suggest not to do this but instead, go into the issue, click "Configuration" on the right-hand side under the "Details" box, and drag the Bug Description to "Hidden Fields". This will apply to all of the issues and will make all of the issues only show the built-in descripti...
<script type="text/javascript"> var content = document.getElementById("content"); var h1s = Array.prototype.slice.call(content.getElementsByTagName("h1")); var h2s = Array.prototype.slice.call(content.getElementsByTagName("h2")); var h3s = Array.prototype.s...
This KB will help you to know how to make phone numbers clickable by creating a "click to call" link. Once you click on the link, a call can be initiated from a Confluence page if you have the needed third party software installed and/or are accessing ...
Well, to create a live streaming video app, you need to understand two aspects of it. The first one is the business aspect of the app. This part of how to make a live video streaming app will help you discover niches, and scope of the app. Let’s take a look at that!
There's no need to send users to a Confluence page for instructions on how to complete a Jira field. Both the field and the instructions can be included on the ProForma form. Use a sidebar layout to provide in-depth instructions for any field. ...
When you open a new Gliffy diagram by typing /gliffy on any Confluence page, you might not see the network diagram symbols in the shapes panel right away. If not, it’s easy to add them. Just click More Shapes at the bottom left of your screen and select the Network shape library. ...
One answer is to use some of our new apps to make your Confluence pages more engaging with multimedia content. Years of research confirm people are more likely to remember information if it’s presented alongside multimedia content.A 2013studyfound people were 42 percent more likely to remember ...
At first glance, Confluence seems to be a note-taking tool on steroids, but it truly excels when combined with robustproject management software. This is correct by many measures, and teams will use it simply for that, but collaboratively. To me, the ultimate use case comes into the ...
Usually, there are several good reasons to avoid conflicts, such as when you need more time to make a far-reaching decision since you first have to learn more about the subject matter, speak to a few more people, and so forth.