How to make a button unhide and hide a groupbox? (Visual Basic 2010) How to make a dll with PNG or Jpeg images? and a dll with mp3? How to make a double trackbar control in VB 2010 How to make a form (windows forms) minimize to the task bar using VB 2010 How to make a form...
I have this setup where I open ~/src in VSCode and inside it want to work on multiple Go projects. Can I somehow make VSCode-Go happy with this arrangement? So i.e. I have inside cli/safari which is a Go CLI I want to hack on. I am willing to add any config files or anything...
Hi, I had this issue to and I was able to resolve it. Make sure when you save to plain text that you add .js to the end of the filename. Format is [yourfilename].js This should work. Votes 1 Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply twiceav New Here , Sep 17, 2021 ...
; This will make it appear when you right click INSIDE a folder ; The "Icon" line can be removed if you don't want the icon to appear [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\vscode] @="Open in VS Code" "Icon"="\"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft VS Code\\Code.exe\",0" [HK...
In Sublime Text, I just click the bottom status line with repo name & diffs counter as a link, and voila - I am in Sublime Merge. How to make something like that + hotkey in VSCode to quickly jump to commit/check current file & repo in SMerge?
Hi, I program and test my code in Visual Studio Code on a remote server to which I connect via ssh. The code is compiled with a make file. Although the Makefile Tools are installed and enabled (on the Server), I can not use the tool or a...
I’ve gotten very used to having VSCode autoformat my file when I save. Usually, I use Prettier. But I joined a project that uses ESLint to manage its code style, and I wanted to match the team’s formatting.
Can you share what you're seeing when you try to use $.writeln? Does ESTK launch, or do you just see nothing in the output of VSCode? Also -- there is an issue where the last write may not show up in the output -- so make sure you're executing more than one $.writeln....
Note:If you do not see a prompt for selecting a default format, you can manually change this in yourSettings. SetEditor: Default Formattertoesbenp.prettier-vscode. Your code is now formatted with spacing, line wrapping, and consistent quotes: ...
"vscodeRoot": "c:\\Microsoft VS Code\\resources\\app", "nrfConnectForDesktopInstalled": true, "vscodeUptime": "00:01:48", "osUptime": "24:45:07", "cpu": { XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX there's Developer log file: ...