Nowadays, the tools of the trade, like those used to make prototypes of fantastic and innovative new products, are so complex and cool, you and I will probably never own them. We won't need to. But for people inventing cutting-edge products, these tools are a must. One interesting ...
I think it may have to be solved by punching diamond shaped holes through the interior handle surface, then patching the holes with what could be most closely described as planar surfaces. Sketch39 is a bit of a nightmare with gaps, so I deleted the majority of it to mak...
D:the,a,a 答案:B第三章测试whatdoesthesentence“不学礼,无以立“,mean?() A:Mannershelptheman B:Mannerscontributetotheman C:Mannersmaketheman 答案:AMan’smannersarea___inwhichheshowshisportrait.() A:sea B:diamond C:mirror 答案:CApersonwithgoodmannersnever___apeopleintrouble.Instead,he(she...
1、Passage One:A spark, a flint: How fire leapt to lifeThe control of fire was the first and perhaps greatest of humanitys steps towards a life-enhancing technologyTo early man, fire was a divine gift randomly delivered in the form of lightning, forest fire or burning lava. Unable to ...
Likeadiamondinthesky. Twinkle,twinkle,littlestar. HowIwonderwhatyouare.一闪一闪小星星, 我想知道你是什么? 在整个世界之上,如此的高, 像在天空中的钻石, 一闪一闪小星星, 我想知道你是什么?课前热身Let’ssing!TwinkletwiLet’sreview!Phrases:atalkingrobotnexttowanttoSentences:Excuseme.Istherea…?Whereis...
短语phrases动词vActivityonePleasebrainstormsomewordstodescribehappiness?Activityoneadj:n:phrases:overjoyed;ecstatic;thrilled;gatiety;joy;sweetness;pleasure;delight...overthemoon;ontopoftheworld;tickledpink;treadonair;makeone’sday;wildwithjoy(欣喜若狂)...elated;enraptured..v: please;delight...Exerciseone...
5、 She was only 21 when she tied the knot and later told that she realized shed been too young to make such a life-altering(变更) decision.,The Supremes (至高无上)once sang You cant hurry love. As it turns out, scientists have determined its not advisable to hurry marriage either.,...