A well-placed mock scrape can stop, or even turn, a buck. Using Mock Scrapes I love mock scrapes. To me, that fresh dirt smell is just as important as urine. Young bucks are almost always more likely to be curious about certain things — such as urine — than mature bucks that have...
If you venture West to hunt mule deer for the first time, understand their different demeanor. This is a how to hunt mule deer.
How to cut an aloe vera plant: In order to safely use the beneficial gel inside the aloe leaves, cut the leaf from the base of the plant and slice it in half lengthwise (like a fillet). Scrape out the clear gel in the center of the leaf, leaving behind the layer close to the ski...
So make sure you exercise a little patience – the best time to plant your seeds is at least two weeksafteryour average last spring frost date. For watermelon seeds to germinate, the soil needs to be a minimum of 60°F. If you can wait for your soil to heat up to the 70 to 95°...
And you’re done! You’ve got a container full of mammal milk and you are ready to move along to the next step. The Next Step: Making Dairy Products | Cheese Start with fresh, warm milk. Acidify the milk: this is the first decision you have to make. Because there are two distinct...
Start with a little wax in each one to make sure you have enough wax to cover all your dryer lint babies. When you’re finished, let your fire starters cool and harden. RELATED:Waterproof Fire Starters Step 5: Let Your Homemade Fire Starters Cool ...
Rose buds make an excellent tea, but can also be used as flavoring in other dishes as well. Mmm, dried rose buds from our Rosa rugosa plants. 2-3 rose buds is all it takes to make a strongly-flavored cup of rose bud tea.
in like toddlers running to sugar. But don't forget the onset of soft mast crops like apples, pears and persimmons, either. These aren't high on the nutrition pyramid, but they still make whitetails slobber. And they all have the power to make a buck forsake his once-predictable...
then pass it behind the tree and around the other post. While pulling it tight make a double twist around the strap, pass it in front of the tree and make another double twist before attaching it back to the first post with more nails. The tree should be able to move slightly and the...
Using water short term (minutes, not hours) has its uses. When the time comes to put the cast iron cookware away, give it a few seconds on a hot stove, just to make sure all the water is out. 3) use a little oil or grease ...