Even 10 years after launch,DayZdoesn’t make anything easy. Learning to play the game is hard enough, but hosting your own server is a whole different story. Thankfully, once you learn how, it’s fun to mess around with your very own server, so I’ll show you the way. Recommended V...
Go to a nearby tree and cut down a tree with your ax. Collect some firewood, and return to your fire. Open the vicinity section and place the firewood into the “Fuel” field. This will keep your fire burning longer. How to Make a Fire in DayZ Without Matches? A great thing about ...
Crafting a Hand Drill kit inDayZis easy once you know the steps. The Hand Drill kit is an incredibly effective tool in your arsenal and can make your life significantly easier on the server. Recommended Videos The last thing you want to worry about is how to make an item while you’re ...
Learn how to set up a dedicated game server through our server configuration guide. What are the advantages? What tools do I need? Find out here.
Learninghow to make a splint inDayZcan make thisbrutal gamejust a bit more tolerable. Unfortunately, fracturing a bone can result in a quick death if you don’t have a way to set it (especially if youdon’t have a friend). So, here’s how to heal your leg and get your movement ...
Are you looking to make a splint and fix your broken leg inDayZ? The world in this game is brutal, and more likely than not, there is a good chance you will be breaking your leg at one point. You must know how to fix this broken bone so you won’t get slowed down or, even wo...
[Guide] DayZ How To Make a Fire Howdy guys, this is a quick and easy tutorial on how to start a fire in DayZ - why, to fire is extremely important in DayZ? First of all, if you have raw food of any type, you’ll need to cook it/boil it, stay warm, and dry up your clothe...
Ferdi requires its recipes to be packaged before it can use it. When running Ferdi as a development instance, you'll need to package the local recipes before you can create any services inside Ferdi. $cdrecipes $ npm install&&npm run package ...
Well, you pay for the server, so you do whatever you want really. You've run it successfully this far and you got yourself some awesome regulars, why should anything change? We also get a lot of "this is how you should run your server" and "I used to run my own dayz and minecraf...
Learn how to set up a dedicated game server through our server configuration guide. What are the advantages? What tools do I need? Find out here.