如何为SketchUp曲面添加纹理贴图 | How to Add a Texture to a Curved Surface in Sketchup 设计小教室 相关推荐 评论4 372 -- 0:45 App Enscape 如何解决曲面贴图的处理方法 3634 1 4:46 App Su曲面UV贴图和调整技巧 9304 8 11:10 App 【SU技巧】顺滑过渡曲面挡墙 8243 1 2:18 App 用SU给曲面...
Sometimes when you are modeling in SketchUp, you want to create model items that follow a curve. Working with curves can be a little tricky, so I created this tutorial to show how to create a curved sign with curved lettering on its face. Tim Killen has posted a great tutorial a...