Suppose you have a raw part that can give rise to multiple machined parts, for example you have raw1 which is used to make part1 and part2 with their own machining. Call raw1_rev0_dwg the drafting of the raw part and so also the draftings of the derived p...
A tutorial showing how to make planes in Solidworks. Why do you need to understand plane creation? You’ll find that 90% of the time sketches can be created by simply starting a new sketch and selecting the part’s face that you wish to sketch on. However, what happens when you need ...
When you create a surface from a parametric model, you may not be able to correctly preserve the original design intent, which can make it difficult to update the model in the future. Surface modeling from a parametric model is slow: Parametric models in Solidworks require frequent rebuilding...
and then after we enter the value of the angle variance arrow to the point of the curve Step 8: or we make by selecting the arrow and in the properties panel finding, quoted below, we enter the value of the angle in mind that we enter values from 0 to 180 and from 0 to-180 if ...
The best way to imagine it is to create a flat plate. Now draw a closed loop, using splines, arcs, lines, etc, such that none overlap, in any shape you could imagine (for the purposes here make certain it is not even remotely circular or rectangular. Now fill that with a...
Step by step solidworks loft boss guide curves tutorial helps to make solid model by add material through guide curve in two different profiles and planes
left side of this object as you also mentioned is somehow seems not ok, but it is correct because on the program left side of the model is fixed in the boundary conditions of the model and it cannot move therefore it looks like this. my favor is to find a so...
Nowadays, the tools of the trade, like those used to make prototypes of fantastic and innovative new products, are so complex and cool, you and I will probably never own them. We won't need to. But for people inventing cutting-edge products, these tools are a must. One interesting ...
The future of CAD in product design What is product design? As previously mentioned, product design refers to a complex network of activities; it can be viewed as both a noun and a process. When used as a noun, it refers to the set of properties that make up a specific product. These...
Using the NormalTo view orientation tool, make to 2D plane. Then go to sketch toolbar and select “Spline sketch tool” and draw curve perpendicular to circle profile. Make sure that, it should intersect with the closed sketch profile (circle). ...